Important Resource

Tell me a resource that is most important for any organization.
“Time” I heard,
“Yes” this is what most of you are expecting, But “No” the answer is not “Time”.
Time is such a resource, which is constant. All organizations are having equal time i.e (24 hours) This bracket cannot be increased…
Well! The answer is “People”, it is this resource that actually decides the growth path of any organization. Hence people/employees become key to the growth of any organization.
Anything that is key/important how do you handle it?
Carefully, cautiously – this is what you say… good.
So what we do is provide training to develop people. We improve their skills and need emotional as well as behavioral.
However, let’s ask a question?
Do all people require the same kind of training, don’t we believe that we are different and hence our needs, our satisfaction levels are different. We do believe this isn’t it?
Then why do we opt for the same treatment for different diseases?
Have you ever thought about why the teaching of the training program evaporates in max week’s time?
How much effort do you take to keep unwanted things?
Actually, organizations should go in person for upliftment rather than group training.
Benefits: Personalized Training Program.
● Personal attention – counseling
● You get what you actually require
● Workforce return quality increases
● You are investing in people, your best resource ever

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admin October 10, 2020 0 Comments